on watching yet another episode of the eponymous series -
my head, oh god, my head. I don't know how anyone in the office manages that environment, cos I feel like I've spent a full week at work just watching that show. The wan Stephanie Skinner is subjected to a tongue-lashing from the three witches of Eastwick. If there's any chance of her trawling her name through google alerts; stay strong! You have a lovely shaped face, that's nothing to do with anything but it should help in certain circumstances.
I'm not sure how much of the aforementioned tongue lashing was deserved: obviously you feel for the girl after watching her and the rest of the office going quietly insane during LDN fashion week, but after reading Emily's blog (on Bravo) and seeing her take I could understand how one could get frustrated if her junior had a hundred tabs open on her computer and was floundering without action. However, lets face it she was a bitch in that moment; also, her faux-vargas fringe and lipstick colour are monumentally distracting. Andrew M is his usual fabulous self, missing the one-shouldered dress though I have to say. Also, why isn't at least 40 minutes of screen time devoted to him? I love his and tandrew's semi-relationship, I like to think of them holidaying in Jacksonville together, andrew m grimacing behind an umbrella and tandrew basking like a lizard in all his perma bronzed glory.
Kelly is working on her book, "If you're going to cry, go outside"
Her as a PR girl is slightly paradoxical for me; for someone that professes to speak the gospel truth she sure works in a bullshitting industry. Although, I have seen her fawning over some truly terrible excuses for designers: that idiot Petrous and his copycat Pugh designs being a case in point. Next week, we look forward to Tandrew breaking down and general frivolity being taken very, very seriously.